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Weekly Guild Event

What is this?

This is a PvP event where you need to kill a monster with your guild. The player/guild who defeats it first will win the event..

Is PvP activated on event?

Friendly fire is disabled so you can't damage your teammates in the event. You can attack and kill other players in the event, they will respawn in event temple

What do I get if I win?

You will be rewarded 65 premium points as well as a green status effect above your name, this will take change after logout.

There's a mc check?

Yes, this event is fully senstivity by mc check and you wont get the reward of premium points to all of your mc's.

There's no winner yet in weeklyguildevent.

  • Zedd exp 0
  • Sorcerer Sample exp 0
  • Druid Sample exp 0
  • Paladin Sample exp 0
  • Knight Sample exp 0

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