14 Jan 2025, 15:16 | killed at level 2659 by a dirty bog raider |
13 Jan 2025, 16:18 | eliminated at level 2559 by a mystic longlegs, a mystic demon, a mystic dread minion, a mystic dinmor, a mystic beetle, a mystic blightwalker, a Mystic Hibernal Moth, a fire elemental, a fire elemental, a fire elemental, a fire elemental, a fire elemental, a fire elemental, a fire elemental, a fire elemental and a fire elemental |
13 Jan 2025, 16:12 | crushed at level 2563 by a mystic longlegs, a mystic blightwalker, a Mystic Hibernal Moth, a mystic dread minion, a mystic dinmor, a mystic demon, a mystic beetle, a fire elemental, a fire elemental and a fire elemental |
13 Jan 2025, 16:11 | slain at level 2567 by a mystic blightwalker, a mystic longlegs, a mystic dread minion, a mystic beetle, a Mystic Hibernal Moth, a mystic demon, a mystic dinmor, a fire elemental and a fire elemental |
13 Jan 2025, 16:09 | slain at level 2571 by a mystic longlegs, a mystic beetle, a Mystic Hibernal Moth, a mystic dinmor, a mystic dread minion, a mystic demon and a mystic blightwalker |
13 Jan 2025, 16:07 | slain at level 2575 by a mystic beetle, a mystic blightwalker, a mystic demon, a mystic dread minion, a mystic longlegs, a mystic dinmor and a fire elemental |
13 Jan 2025, 15:40 | killed at level 2579 by a reborner amazon |
13 Jan 2025, 11:40 | killed at level 2560 by a reborner amazon |
12 Jan 2025, 14:18 | crushed at level 2499 by a mystic longlegs, a Mystic Hibernal Moth, a mystic blightwalker, a mystic beetle, a mystic dinmor, a mystic dread minion, a mystic demon, a fire elemental, a fire elemental and a fire elemental |
12 Jan 2025, 14:16 | crushed at level 2503 by a mystic longlegs, a mystic dread minion, a mystic beetle, a Mystic Hibernal Moth, a mystic blightwalker, a fire elemental, a fire elemental, a fire elemental, a mystic demon, a mystic dinmor and a fire elemental |