Dungeon System:
What is the dungeon?
It's a realm teeming with monsters, where slaying a certain number of them earns you a reward upon completion.
What's is dungeon hunting?
Its very useful to get hunting on it for a specific time and specific monster.
It's required item to get into dungeon hunting, sure.
Yes, each hunting have its exahusted time to get into it again.
Example Of Required Item To Get Into Dungeon Hunting:
What's is dungeon bosses?
Its very useful to get rare loot to your reward box.
Required 4 players, 2mcs allowed if more than 2 it will get distrubted.
Yes, each particpate should have the required item to fight the bosses with the team.
Yes, each bosses have its exahusted time to get fight it again.
Example Of Required Item To Get Into Dungeon Bosses:
Where i can get the required item?
From bosses.
Trading from player.
From store.
From shop.