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Patch 2
by GM Mazareta
GM Mazareta

Profession: Paladin
Level: 501465

Posts: 7
Patch 2
<center><h2>Patch 2 Is Published.</h2></center>
<h1>Bosses - Dungeons</h1>
- Dungeon Hunting limit time between entries is 8 hours exhausted now.
- Charms exhausted between entries changed to 8 hours 2 players required to be allowed 2 MC's enter.
- Dungeon Bosses Exhausted time is now 8 hours 3 players required to be allowed 2 MC's enter.
- All bosses now give 1 attribute points except dungeon bosses, and coryoma, elhelf and vampire night.
- First 5 bosses only drop charms keys item mission items and golden tokens and nuggets only.
- [Rare] Helleborner drop items will start dropping from the Boss Coronavirus and above.
- Mystic drop from bosses will start at Sindarin.
- We've decreased the amount of bosses from 4 of each to half the amount(2).
- All normal bosses have an exhaust time of 30 min to get into it again.
- We've added the enchant bosses and charms bosses and all bosses into 1 room.
- All bosses have been added to reward chest.
- Coryoma allow level [800] instead of 400, Vampirenight allow level [1500] instead of 800 And Elhelf allow level [2000] instead of 1300.

- We've removed the target distance between warlock and sicq mage as well as lord alchemist so they wont run.
- Alofoke monsters won't summon any of banshee.
- We've added 7 new monsters, daily task and monster mission.
- We've added 10% more damage for all players with 2nd promotion
- We've made threshold to give item by killing monster 1/200 drop chance For Ex. (Gold Nuggets - Basic Upgrade Equipment And Golden Token).

<h1>Vocation Improvements:</h1>
- We've edited vocations max hp and mp per 1 level for pally = 200 HP Mages = 200 MP Knight = 350 per level.
- Single target spells has been made from level 300, 800, 1500, 2500.
- We've added 10% more damage for all players with 2nd promotion.

<h1>VIP Improvements</h1>
- Vip room specially for vip player +1 temple of mazareta - east.
- We've added daily reward chest only for vip players.
- We've added Fady npc for bosses tasks which gives more level and more attribute points to each boss task [Only Vip Player].
- We've added item mission task into vip.
- We've added training monk specially for vip players.
- We've added a statue in vip room gives a wing, aura, shader, mounts And Outfit for free.

<h1>Regard Charms:</h1>
- Cap dodge is now 15% from attribute advance and +1 from charms, so total is 16% dodge cap.

<h1>Regarding Event:</h2>
- We've added exp event everyday 3X+ time opening +1 mazareta temple - south.
- We've added World bosses event everyday 3X- time opening +1 mazareta temple - south which drop alot of rarely items in-game.

- Dodge now are works for mages.
- Have optimized pathfinding in engine for more stability.
- We've decreased the dodge and DMG decrease from all charms to 1% for all charms. All other charms stats will stay the same.
- Edited Exp stages.
- Mega monster bosses interval from 27 seconds to 300 seconds = 5 minutes and made it 3x stronger.
- We've added 2 new item for first item parchment for selling [Rare] helleborner item for gold nuggets, and stone for selling mystic item for golden token.
- We've fixed the boarding of Nidus quests its was Zulkar now it will be shows in boarding as Nidus.
- Pz Locked - White skull now is decreased a bit to lose it.
- We've added more damage to ultimate sudden death.
- We've removed dodge statue from attribute room.
- Last man is now working as expected.
- Alot of map improvement.

Your's Mazareta Staff Team.
26.12.24 20:33:44
Edited by GM Mazareta
on 27.12.24 08:04:29


  • Dodge exp 2B
  • Thomas exp 759M
  • Cysia exp 346M
  • Zromba exp 10M
  • Terror Inc exp 2K

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