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Patch 0.3
by GM Mazareta
GM Mazareta

Profession: Paladin
Level: 501465

Posts: 7
Patch 0.3
<h3>- We’ve lowered the dungeon hunting bosses from level 1250 -30% damage
- We’ve added thalas hunting into killstreak.
- We’ve decreased mana taken from mages buff to be 10% instead of 60%.
- We’ve removed all level gain from bosses, only dungeon bosses will gives level and bosses from level 1900+.
- We’ve added a new system its accoridng to your chance by killing any of monster on game, it will awarded you for ex. 1 upgrade stone equipment, silver token, golden nuggets.
- We’ve implemented a parchment you can use it to make a broadcast to all player in-game.
- We’ve added an exhausted to monster mission reset item 3 days to use it again.
- We’ve fixed some map bugs.
- We’ve added some optimization to our engine network to be more stable if you are experienced a lag ordisconnection in game, please report it to our support team or in server discord.

(Soon) Right now we are working on updating features new quests, new monsters, new tasks, new bosses we will make a fully update for it very soon. (Soon)

12.12.24 01:33:38
Edited by GM Mazareta
on 12.12.24 01:35:23


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