Actimele 106 kills | Zain 65 kills | Celestia 55 kills | Kutasuwa Peel 17 kills |
MazaretaOTS - S2 Official Launchat Start on Monday 30-12
Prepare yourselves, for Season 2 of [MazaretaOTS] is upon us! We've poured our hearts and souls into crafting an experience that surpasses all expectations.
Fear not, for the days of server resets are over. This is a lifelong journey, a world that will evolve and grow alongside you.
Embrace the future. Season 2 begins now!

Welcome to a one-of-a-kind Tibia OT (MazaretaOTS) server, meticulously crafted from scratch to offer you an unparalleled gaming experience. This custom-made server has been painstakingly designed with a plethora of unique features, including mesmerizing bosses, captivating gameplay, and a wide array of custom spells, ensuring hours of endless excitement for every adventurer, a dedicated team of skilled developers and administrators tirelessly work to ensure that Mazareta remains a haven of seamless gameplay and exhilarating challenges. Regular updates and bug fixes keep the server fresh and dynamic, while a diligent community management team fosters a warm and inclusive environment for all players.
Hope to see you all at launch, December 30th 2024, 18:00 Cest Swedish Time.
Here is a list with MazaretaOTS features:
- Hosted 24/7 in Germany.
- Custom map.
- Custom client.
- Mid rate exp.
- High attack speed.
- Attributes.
- Auto loot.
- Custom promotions.
- Monster orbs.
- Monster skulls.
- Bosses with mechanics.
- Reward chest.
- Addons bonus.
- Dungeons.
- Tasks & Item Mission & Weekly tasks and Daily tasks.
- Upgrade items.
- Mounts.
- Wings.
- Auras.
- Shaders.
- Custom spells.
- Custom item stats.
- Custom player stats.
- Lottery ticket.
- Guild wars.
- Waypoints.
- Market.
- Tokens shop.
- In game store.
- Daily events.
- Wand, Melee and Distance skills.
- Custom description on characters.
- Balanced vocations.
- Balanced PVP.
Let me give you a close look on the features:
New town with a lot of changes in map (hunts, quests, shops, depots, bosses mechanics.)

New Mounts and newly added Wings, Auras and Shaders

New Modules were added to game client more enjoyable.
Also newly added to client the tokens shop and the ability to buy unique items by collected Golden token Or Golden nuggets.

A lot of information can be found with character description.

Both DUNGEON for hunting, mechanics dungeon for bosses.

- A lot of new features for monsters such as
Orbs which is giving you extra bonus like extra exp, speed, damage
- Skulls which is giving the monster and you extra stats such as more exp, more health and more damage.
- Boxes which is spawning a lot of monsters around you once you step on them.

Charms system & charms bosses.

Also new features for bosses such as
Boss bar which is giving you information about the progression toward that boss.

Reward chest which will have your rewards from the killed bosses

We got also upgrade system to increase your item level with increasing in its stats and power

Attributes which are new stats can be added to your character and enhance it.

Tasks system inside MazaretaOTS such as item mission, monster mission, dailytask mission, weekly mission.

Now you can enchant your gear to new gear by useing our enchanted system.

We've a mini wiki of how system works and also events pages included all information related to events and also added a market system in our website.

We always make sure to offer an excellent quality for our players to enhance the game experience.
Don't hesitate to give a try and invite your friends to have fun!
Patch 2
Patch 2 Is Published.
Bosses - Dungeons
- Dungeon Hunting limit time between entries is 8 hours exhausted now.
- Charms exhausted between entries changed to 8 hours 2 players required to be allowed 2 MC's enter.
- Dungeon Bosses Exhausted time is now 8 hours 3 players required to be allowed 2 MC's enter.
- All bosses now give 1 attribute points except dungeon bosses, and coryoma, elhelf and vampire night.
- First 5 bosses only drop charms keys item mission items and golden tokens and nuggets only.
- [Rare] Helleborner drop items will start dropping from the Boss Coronavirus and above.
- Mystic drop from bosses will start at Sindarin.
- We've decreased the amount of bosses from 4 of each to half the amount(2).
- All normal bosses have an exhaust time of 30 min to get into it again.
- We've added the enchant bosses and charms bosses and all bosses into 1 room.
- All bosses have been added to reward chest.
- Coryoma allow level [800] instead of 400, Vampirenight allow level [1500] instead of 800 And Elhelf allow level [2000] instead of 1300.
- We've removed the target distance between warlock and sicq mage as well as lord alchemist so they wont run.
- Alofoke monsters won't summon any of banshee.
- We've added 7 new monsters, daily task and monster mission.
- We've added 10% more damage for all players with 2nd promotion
- We've made threshold to give item by killing monster 1/200 drop chance For Ex. (Gold Nuggets - Basic Upgrade Equipment And Golden Token).
Vocation Improvements:
- We've edited vocations max hp and mp per 1 level for pally = 200 HP Mages = 200 MP Knight = 350 per level.
- Single target spells has been made from level 300, 800, 1500, 2500.
- We've added 10% more damage for all players with 2nd promotion.
VIP Improvements
- Vip room specially for vip player +1 temple of mazareta - east.
- We've added daily reward chest only for vip players.
- We've added Fady npc for bosses tasks which gives more level and more attribute points to each boss task [Only Vip Player].
- We've added item mission task into vip.
- We've added training monk specially for vip players.
- We've added a statue in vip room gives a wing, aura, shader, mounts And Outfit for free.
Regard Charms:
- Cap dodge is now 15% from attribute advance and +1 from charms, so total is 16% dodge cap.
Regarding Event:
- We've added exp event everyday 3X+ time opening +1 mazareta temple - south.
- We've added World bosses event everyday 3X- time opening +1 mazareta temple - south which drop alot of rarely items in-game.
- Dodge now are works for mages.
- Have optimized pathfinding in engine for more stability.
- We've decreased the dodge and DMG decrease from all charms to 1% for all charms. All other charms stats will stay the same.
- Edited Exp stages.
- Mega monster bosses interval from 27 seconds to 300 seconds = 5 minutes and made it 3x stronger.
- We've added 2 new item for first item parchment for selling [Rare] helleborner item for gold nuggets, and stone for selling mystic item for golden token.
- We've fixed the boarding of Nidus quests its was Zulkar now it will be shows in boarding as Nidus.
- Pz Locked - White skull now is decreased a bit to lose it.
- We've added more damage to ultimate sudden death.
- We've removed dodge statue from attribute room.
- Last man is now working as expected.
- Alot of map improvement.
Your's Mazareta Staff Team.
Patch 1
- We've donwgraded level of mystic items from 2500 to level 1750.
- We've edit Ner'gath rare bosses to drop 100% all rare item in monster corpse. [Not Related To Reward Chest].
- We've increased drop rate of Coryoma, Elhelf, Vampire Night to 10% drop chance instead of 5% also its boarding updated now.
- We've enabled now reborner city in travelling room, We've added mining stone and golden elephant addon which have more maxmp/hp.
- We added to all bosses to give 1 level when killed except dungeon bosses gives 4.
- Note: These bosses does not contain to reward chest. [Vampirenight], [Coryoma], [Elhelf], [Ner'gath].
- We've added 7 new monsters:

- We've added new quests: